Sunday 10 February 2008

Previous two weeks...

W/c 28th Jan was a bit up and down. With rest days Monday and Saturday I squeezed in four runs back to back as usual, but suffered from the one good / one bad run syndrome. I'd feel great one day and rubbish the next. No real efforts thrown in and the 16 miler on a breezy Sunday was a struggle after about 8 or 9. So still not feeling that confident - still chalked up a dodgy 46 miles for the week though


w/c 4th Feb things began to click somewhere. I mananaged four back to back runs again of which three were 9 milers, which I picked up the pace for as the run progressed and a 7 miler with 6 by 2 min steepish hills thrown in the middle. I wondered how I was running semi-decent 9 milers but feeling rubbish two to four miles into my long runs - psychological, knowing I still had a long way to go?

So Sunday I felt sluggish early on but kept pushing on in glorious cool and crisp weather with a fine winter sun. Managed maybe 18 mainly off road in 2:30 which was pretty good and felt the best I have done for some considerable time. Maybe things are starting to click. Legs tired as that's the furthest for about 11 months and it gives me a satisfying 52 for the week - hurrah!

Still need to get some new shoes to road test though...

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