Sunday 10 February 2008

Previous two weeks...

W/c 28th Jan was a bit up and down. With rest days Monday and Saturday I squeezed in four runs back to back as usual, but suffered from the one good / one bad run syndrome. I'd feel great one day and rubbish the next. No real efforts thrown in and the 16 miler on a breezy Sunday was a struggle after about 8 or 9. So still not feeling that confident - still chalked up a dodgy 46 miles for the week though


w/c 4th Feb things began to click somewhere. I mananaged four back to back runs again of which three were 9 milers, which I picked up the pace for as the run progressed and a 7 miler with 6 by 2 min steepish hills thrown in the middle. I wondered how I was running semi-decent 9 milers but feeling rubbish two to four miles into my long runs - psychological, knowing I still had a long way to go?

So Sunday I felt sluggish early on but kept pushing on in glorious cool and crisp weather with a fine winter sun. Managed maybe 18 mainly off road in 2:30 which was pretty good and felt the best I have done for some considerable time. Maybe things are starting to click. Legs tired as that's the furthest for about 11 months and it gives me a satisfying 52 for the week - hurrah!

Still need to get some new shoes to road test though...

Sunday 27 January 2008

Putting it into perspective

So i could say I managed 16 1/2 miles, legs were tired, two weeks running over 40 miles etc etc - but I saw this article in The Independent on Saturday about what some the elite Kenyan runners are putting up with - good luck to them all

Saturday 26 January 2008

The week so far...

After Tuesday I've managed a 7.5 on Wednesday which picked up in pace over the last 20 minutes, which was an unexpected bonus as I was tired going into the run. On Thursday I ran before work for about 7.5 fairly easy and the morning's are just beginning to bet light enough, sibject to cloud or rain, to get out about 7-30 and be able to see where you're going.

I was off Friday and had an enjoyable 8 mainly off road. However the wind on the way back was a bit breezy and made me struggle. Overall I'm up to about 29 for the week with, hopefully, a long Sunday run to go. I've been sniffly and tight chested again today but hopefully that will lift by Sunday. I just need the confidence to know I can go out and do the long runs unhindered and without having to stop to catch my breath every few miles. Maybe tomorrow?

Still on the lookout for some shoes and the New Balance 755s look favourite

Tuesday 22 January 2008

Spring is in the air

Another glorious day for a run at lunchtime with clear blue skies and a nip in the air - short sleeves and gloves were the order of the day with the gloves ditched about half way round. I ran the repeat of last Thursday's 7 miler (or thereabouts) but in the reverse direction and a couple of minutes quicker. Unfortunately I'd left my heart rate monitor strap at home so couldn't see how the effort compared to the previous week. Certainly felt swifter early on and perhaps without the HR readout I failed to keep within a sensible limit.

All being well this should see another 40+ mile week and looking back that will be my first back to back over 40 miles since March 2007 before my virus pulled me out of London. Perhaps that explains the beginnings of the familiar feelings of hunger and tiredness I associate with marathon training, albeit at usually elevated mileage to the meagre 45 so far and only a single genuine effort session. But I am where I am and with continued runs at least clocking up mileage early in the schedule should bear fruits once (hopefully) I start feeling closer to 100%. Unfortunately work is getting in the way and once my regular runs get beyond about 7 miles that will be difficult to fit in at lunchtime. Running into work remains an option if I get organised to take clothes in the previous day to change into once I arrive. I'm not carrying a suit and work shoes on my back...

Sunday 20 January 2008

Sunday run

After a break on Saturday Sunday saw a better, but still not great, long run - about 16 miles / 2:12 with a couple of drinks breaks. Quads a bit sore after Friday's hills and breathing laboured, but far better than last weeks' feable effort.

So that's about 45 for the week and slowly getting back to some semblance of fitness.

Need to think about marathon shoes to get a pair tested and then a pair broken in before 13th April. Looking at old model New Balance 755 at at 40 quid a pair...

Friday 18 January 2008

OK, not quite vest weather...

After an unseasonably warm Wednesday it got breezy and a bit drizzly, but still warm for January.

So Thursday saw a steady 7 miler, mainly on road through the city. Nowhere near as nice as the country lanes and cycle tracks I frequent now. Heart rate still too high, bit getting a bit better so,...

Friday I gave a hill session a go. Only managed a set of 6 and set of 4 hills - I'd wanted two sets of 6 but HR high and quads knackered. I reckon my theory that high heart rates at slower pace after illness probably does take it out of you. But more miles this week, with Sunday to go, than last week in total. Let's hope the corner has been well and truly turned

Wednesday 16 January 2008

Tuesday 16th Jan - easy (?) 7.5

Headed out at lunchtime for a cycle path and loops of a park for about 7.5. Heart rate was again high, averaging 161 for 57.5 minutes. This was the same route as the 30 minute tempo two weeks ago and was a couple of minutes slower but with a higher heart rate. Obviously still recovering...

So leave the proper tempo run for now I think

Lovely midday sunshine and clear sky and surprisingly warm, even in a short sleeve
top. Now, where's my running vest?