Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Spring is in the air

Another glorious day for a run at lunchtime with clear blue skies and a nip in the air - short sleeves and gloves were the order of the day with the gloves ditched about half way round. I ran the repeat of last Thursday's 7 miler (or thereabouts) but in the reverse direction and a couple of minutes quicker. Unfortunately I'd left my heart rate monitor strap at home so couldn't see how the effort compared to the previous week. Certainly felt swifter early on and perhaps without the HR readout I failed to keep within a sensible limit.

All being well this should see another 40+ mile week and looking back that will be my first back to back over 40 miles since March 2007 before my virus pulled me out of London. Perhaps that explains the beginnings of the familiar feelings of hunger and tiredness I associate with marathon training, albeit at usually elevated mileage to the meagre 45 so far and only a single genuine effort session. But I am where I am and with continued runs at least clocking up mileage early in the schedule should bear fruits once (hopefully) I start feeling closer to 100%. Unfortunately work is getting in the way and once my regular runs get beyond about 7 miles that will be difficult to fit in at lunchtime. Running into work remains an option if I get organised to take clothes in the previous day to change into once I arrive. I'm not carrying a suit and work shoes on my back...

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