Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Tuesday 8 miler

The schedule calls for four seven milers followed by 18 on Sunday. We'll await Sunday to see how that goes. However got an eight under my belt tonight, albeit still at too elevated a heart rate - average 155 bpm for 8 min miling is way too high.

I often wondered why after an enforced lay off my legs feel tired and heavy despite not having run for a period. I think there's an element of stiffness and getting out of the groove, but it struck me this time around it's probably due to elevated heart rates as you recover. Assuming tiredness and lactic acid build up are affected by heart rate and effort so it presumably stands to reason that after an illness as the body recovers and the heart rate is high so even "easy" runs induce greater exertion than usual and have the same effect as running hard when well. Well, it's a theory...

I'll ease off doing efforts (or at least longer tempo runs) until the heart rate drops back to approaching normal. If I'm hitting the lower limits of tempo effort going uphill at an easy pace then any longer effort is likley to push me over the edge! Even two weeks' ago when I ran 30 at effort I had a bit of a funny turn after showering when the corridors seemed to slope away from me - blood sugar or just effort shock?

Until tomorrow...

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