Monday 7 January 2008

End of week 1...

Friday I struggled through 6.5 / 7 miles with my chest feeling tight before driving off to Leicester for family stuff. Consequently Saturday was a rest day, as scheduled, but without cross training. Sunday was one of those days I love running - clear, crisp and cool - a bit cool with frost on the roads, but I generally love running on those days. My schedule called for 14 miles. I had other engagements before driving back home so struggled through 11 with a higher than should be heart rate. However I'm sneezing well again on Monday so maybe that cold is still with me.

Overall I like this flexible schedule. I'm not happy that my long run was 3 or 4 miles ahorter than what I wanted. However ticking over at 38 mles and one decent effort session is better than some considerable time. I'm hoping that when I get fully well the reduced number of effort sessions should mean the quality sessions can be run hard and my legs don't feel wiped out. Here's hoping...

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